Our photovoltaic laminates provide an infinitely renewable, virtually indestructible source of power, without compromising the look of your home.
watch video to see how our system works:
Benefits of a Solar Powered Attic Ventilator
All attic ventilators, powered or solar vent out the hot air built up within the attic, but a solar unit offers additional benefits not possible with a powered product. Because a Broan Solar PAV turns on at dawn, it goes to work immediately, first to eliminate the moisture that has built up from the cool overnight air, and second, to prevent heat build up before it has a chance to build up to the point of convection. A standard PAV has to reach a high temperature before the thermostat kicks in and tells it to start working. By this time the moisture has already worked its way into the insulation and the walls, doing its damage. Because it has to play “catch-up” the PAV is already starting out at a disadvantage and must run all day. Driven off AC power, a PAV can be noisy emitting “harmonic noise”, and although it is possible to override the thermostat and let it run, the motor is not designed to handle this constant demand.
A fan is mounted in the ceiling of the home, between the attic and living space. Whenever outdoor air temperature is cooler than inside the home, windows are opened and the fan is turned on.
The Fan pulls cooler outdoor air into the home cooling the home. As the fan pushes air into the attic, the hot stale attic air is exhausted to the outside via existing roof and attic venting.
We offer self powered dual collector solar air heating system. The system is self-powered and does not require any electricity from the house.